
Persian Rugs

Persian Rugs

A Timeless Elegance

Persian carpets are known across the world for their exquisite workmanship, intricate designs, and unparalleled beauty. They are a symbol of centuries of history and artistry.
Our Persian rug services in Dubai include a broad and well chosen assortment of genuine carpets sourced from Iran’s most known weaving areas.

Expertise in Persian Rug Procurement

Knowledgeable Guidance

Our Persian rug services in Dubai provide clients with the knowledge of seasoned specialists who are well-versed in Persian rug weaving processes, history, and cultural importance. We attempt to provide a seamless and joyful rug procurement experience by educating customers on the differences between various rug types and making individualized suggestions based on individual tastes and needs.

Preserving Heritage

As guardians of Persian rug legacy, we recognize the value of conserving these timeless masterpieces for future generations. Our restoration and conservation services in Dubai give old or damaged Persian carpets new life, using ancient procedures and the highest care to restore their beauty and extend their longevity.
Our professional artisans have vast experience and skills in Persian rug restoration, using age-old techniques and high-quality materials to fix rips, mend fringes, and restore fading colors with painstaking attention to detail. Whether your rug requires modest repairs or substantial conservation work, you can count on us to preserve its integrity and beauty, ensuring that it remains a treasured asset for years to come.
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